Bookings for free Fair stalls open

If you are involved with a charity, group or business in or around the Cheam area why not set up a free stall at the fair to increase awareness or raise funds. We will add all booked stalls to the Stalls page of the fair web site, providing you with free publicity and a link …

Cheam Charter Fair 2013 – dates for your diary

A meeting of representatives from the Cheam community has unanimously agreed the 2013 Cheam Charter Fair will be held on Saturday 18 May 2013 and a series of events will be organised to take place from Monday 13 May through to Friday 17 May to celebrate ‘Cheam Charter Week’. The traditional Cheam Charter Fair day …

Successful events and the big day tomorrow

Various Fair-related events have taken place this week including some token stalls on Park Road on Tue 15th to fulfill the terms of the Charter, flower arranging and tours of Cheam and the trees of Cheam Park. A special opening of Whitehall and a series of Ghost Walks will be taking place tonight. Tomorrow is …

Get involved in Sutton’s summer fun

Community groups in Sutton are being offered the chance to get involved in Olympic and Jubilee celebrations this summer. Events will kick off on May 19 with the Cheam Charter Fair. Sutton Guardian:

‘Read all about it’. In case you missed it, we were in the news.

It was great that the fair got a mention in the press, and it’s been even better as people have told me they saw the article in the Sutton Guardian. This is a great opportunity for Cheam to tell everyone what it has to offer and it is reassuring to get support from our local …